Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday requests

A friend asked for prayers for two people she knows who committed suicide: Kriss and Jerry.

Another lady wrote me a letter and asked that we pray for her grandson Lee, age 16, who took his own life on November 8, 2010. She also asked for prayers for Lee's father, Dave, who is having a rough time with his death and is depressed.
A friend just asked me to add Peter to our list. School friend who took his own life several years ago...she didn't know any other details.
Father Ricardo Garcia, Brownsville TX, apparent suicide - please pray for him , and for all priests - thanks

1 comment:

  1. Pray for the soul of my cousin David who commited suicide in 1995, and the soul of my friend's husband 1 yr ago who commited suicide after he lost his daughter in an accident. Pray for his wife and son whom he left behind.
