Thursday, April 26, 2012

Friday requests

I had to download a new browser to get this to work.  I hope this will work now. Here are some early morning Friday requests - really from earlier in the week but I was not able to post them.  Hopefully this will work.

Please pray for Maria Ine her Mother call me she is depressive and suicidal thoughts now she fall down in a deep depression !!!!!
Please pray for Ray, who killed his 13yr old son, Patrick, and then took his own life. Eternal rest grant to them O Lord. May perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in Peace. Amen.
Please pray for Victor hi killed him self 2 months ago!!
Rene Francisco Najera, 40, committed suicide. Please pray for him and his family. He and his wife had split 6 months ago. His son arrived at the scene but it was to late.
Carolyn, 25 yrs. old, killed herself in Virginia last week
Please pray for Donna who killed herself and Pat's stepson (God knows his name). 

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