Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Prayer for Those Contemplating Suicide

It is suggested to copy and paste this prayer and print out to pray every day.

Praying for Those Contemplating Suicide

O Lord and Giver of Life, may we all recognize the great value of the life You have given to each one of us. But look in a special way on those who no longer find any meaning in the life they are leading.
You can see every movement of the human heart and You knew what depths of despair, discouragement, frustration, loneliness, or self-hate have led them to the edge they are standing on.
Have mercy on them, and open their eyes to see that the road has not ended. Fill their hearts with new hope. Place people in their lives who will love them, with your own love, and who will give them a reason to live again. Make them know they are worthwhile and needed.
And Lord, if You wish to use me as your instrument in touching someone, feel free to do so. Amen
Author Unknown

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